Jeremy Corbyn is not leading a campaign he is leading a movement

6 Aug

The ‘System’ holds no future for the 99% – the Revolution does ORGANIZE! Progressive Books Blogs Videos



John Wight, Scots novelist, political blogger, boxing expert and Morning Star columnist writes passionately always, infuriatingly sometimes and, in this case below, with inspiration.

For far too long we have been accustomed to a political culture shorn of compassion, decency, and solidarity. We’re all familiar with the script: a leader, or prospective leader, is someone who isn’t afraid to ‘make the tough choices’, ‘tell us how it is’, ‘be unpopular’, ‘take the hard rather than the easy decisions’, etc, etc.

We are also by now well acquainted with the real message being delivered in these over-used and cliched soundbites – namely that if elected I will govern in the interests of a tiny economic minority at the expense of the majority and pledge to demonise, attack, hound, and hurt the poor and most vulnerable among us more than my competitors at every opportunity in order to do so.


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